All inclusive

Karneval, 2019
Read Reviews!
This third book in my trilogy about the new and transformed Sweden was published in November 2019. Like the previous two books in the series, it is a bestseller. Its main focus is Sweden’s careless migration politics, with rapid segregation and growing insecurity and inequality among society’s most vulnerable – our children. ………

All inclusive

”Must I add that this is one of the absolutely most important books of the year?”
“Åberg’s book is filled with important, on-the-spot observations. He has an outstanding ability to find precisely those particulars that can explain the failed integration processes.”
“He is equipped with the kind of courage that separates interesting writers from less interesting ones.”
“If it wasn’t so tragic, it might almost be poetic.”
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Två aviga & en rät

Uppsala City Theatre 2018
“Två aviga & en rät/Purl & Plain” is my first-ever script for the stage, written with director Karin Parrot Jonzon. Four old friends get together to make sense of changes in society and and a fluidly unreliable politicial language, where words have lost their meaning. The play premiered at Uppsala City Theatre in September, 2018. ………

Skandinavisk uro

Press, Norway 2018
I have written the main Swedish essay in this Norwegian-Danish-Swedish collection of texts about migration, democracy and the welfare state. Titled “Skandinavisk uro/Scandinavian Anxiety”, the book takes as its starting-point the dramatic year of 2015 when almost 1,4 million people applied for asylum in Europe. Can the Scandinavian model handle the new waves of migration? ………

Landet där vad som helst kan hända

Karneval 2018
My new book about the Swedish condition, the state of affairs in the once most predictable country in the world – “Landet där vad som helst kan hända/The Country Where Anything Might Happen – is a bestseller and has provoked debate. It is a story about migration, segregation and integration, and about a nation that views itself as a model while at the same time being hesitant about promoting its achievements. Sweden used to be a well-planned society, but now it does not seem to have a plan at all. ………

Landet där vad som helst kan hända

“Sweden’s sharpest contemporary observer.”
“Piercing criticism of the defects of Swedish integration policies.”
“Lars Åberg, what a journalist, what a writer!”
“It may well be a micro-distillate from and of a country in search of itself.”
“A thought-provoking analysis of Swedish immigration politics.”
“Written with brilliant journalistic diction and deep research… An invaluable depicter of the rise and fall of the Social Democratic project.”
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